Brød Elsker Kærgården
ArlaContribution: Lead CG Artist and Character Animator on the croissant in the bag shot and the knækbrød close up.
Full Credit list
Client - Arla
Agency - Hjaltelin Stahl
Creative Lead - Jabali Ravn and Henrik Tvilling
Executive Producer and Light/Texture Lead Artist - Michael Bengtsson
Creative Director and Character Animator - Olov Burman
Character Animator - Calle Halldin
Lead CG Artist and Character Animator- Christina Sidoti
Rigger - Richard Maegaki
Scan Man and Modeler - Hervé Steff
Modeler - Gabriel Trujillo
Lighter - Jeff Chavez
Lighter - Mirelle Underwood
Lighter - Peter Betenev
Bacon X
Director - Kasper Wedendahl
Producer - Casper Rasmussen
Post Producer - Camilla Strandskov
VFX Supervisor - Jan Tvilling
VFX Supervisor - Jonas Drehn
Compositor - Melissa Moss
Compositor - Jacob Carlsson
Sheriff - Søren Knudsen
VFX Producer - Sean Wheelan
VFX Producer - Malin Leuchovius
VFX Coordinator - Elin Plantin
VFX Artist - Ludvig Orvegård
VFX Artist - Daniel Nielsen
VFX Artist - Magnus Olsson
VFX Artist - Gustav Törnroth
VFX Artist - Kristian Talajic
3D Matchmovers
Production Manager - Guillaume Ruegg